Comments that are not specific to a certain post should go here, for the month of September 2019. Contributions should relate to the cause and goals of this organization and please, keep it courteous and civil. This section is not intended for posting links to news articles without additional relevant comment.
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U.S. Sexual Assault Rate Continues to Decrease
Source: Jan 2025 The sexual assault rate in the United States continues to decrease, according... -
CA: Former Senate Bill Resurfaces, Could Significantly Expand Number of Registrants
Source: ACSOL Senate Bill 680 was introduced this week by Senator Susan Rubio (Democrat, Ontario). If... -
Convicted sex offender may renounce US citizenship, be deported to Philippines
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“Lancaster mother sentenced to house arrest for bringing child to home of 3 registered sex offenders” It’s not like she was pimping her kid out, she was just visiting friends who were on the Registry and she ends up getting house arrest and probation! We’ve been seeing more-and-more of this kind of shit. This is going in a very bad direction. “Police began investigating in January when a state parole agent noticed sidewalk chalk outside the home and toys inside the house, officials said.”
I’ve been thinking more lately about the Registries and “compliance checks” and such. And how some people on this very site (!!!!) have said how Registries are just a “minor nuisance” and even that they support the Registries. I was quite confident before that Registries are unacceptable and even more so now. I do think that confidence grows literally every day though, so I guess nothing really new there.
But regarding things like “compliance checks” and similar things (which I really don’t find to be exceptionally bothersome either), I am convinced that people still should NEVER allow those to happen. People should not allow law enforcement to “visit” them anywhere, not at home, work, or anywhere else. They should not allow law enforcement criminals (LECs) to get near them (or their families!) or to speak to them for any extra/unnecessary reason. And ALL communications should only be in writing or recorded (and triplicated). There is simply no reason to allow LECs to do extra Registry “work” or tasks.
The problem with allowing “compliance checks” is that they give an impression that Registries are acceptable or that they might be functioning. That should never be done in any way. All out war needs to be waged.
No one should ever turn on their TVs and see some 20 LECs at some home talking to the people who live there and “checking up” on some Registered Person. That should NEVER be seen. Instead, they should see nothing. Nothing but walls, fences, gates, closed doors, silence, wasted resources.
Even if a person is on probation or parole, I think it can be well argued that Registration is not part of punishment and is thus not part of probation or parole. Unless a person is expressly ordered that they must comply with ANY LEC that just wants to stop by and verify whatever, then I wouldn’t think they would have to. But unfortunately, I do expect they often bring probation and/or parole with them so you probably have to respond to them. Most times.
Anyway, the environment needs to be created where these big government employees can plan huge, wasteful things like “Operation Dipshit” or whatever they want to call it, but that everyone knows that it is nothing but a PR stunt. That is what needs to be seen – big government waste.
Lastly, if you KNOW that a law enforcement officer OR other big government employee DEFINITELY does not support the Registries, then you can treat them as humans. But if not, you don’t have to be concerned with how you treat them. And if you know they are an LEC or support Registries, there is certainly no need to be nice. Remember that they aren’t Americans or decent.
The REGISTRY CONCEPT wants to be expanded by a presidential candidate. How interesting. Does this mean we get to know if our neighbors are wealthy even though they live modestly? Will it be publicly listed? IRS only? Isn’t this wealth shaming?
When will the registry madness stop if you have one each for DWI, pet abuse, domestic violence, sex offenses, etc? I guess when everyone is on one for whatever criteria is needed.
Sanders targets highest-income Americans with ‘extreme wealth tax’ and ‘national wealth registry’
Hey everybody, I’m a RSO and I realize that most of the comments are geared towards registry, but my concern is to an even bigger issue which lifetime parole. I read through all of the topics and seen a few that touched base on this. Within weeks of successfully finishing 3 yrs probation along with SOMM and 6 polygraphs. I thought my scrutiny days were over but boy was I wrong. I was magically added to this growing “list” of offenders to be watched over for the remainder of their days. That was 3 years ago, and now I’m finally seeing that after all of the successes I had overcome through the super strict probation that I didn’t prove anything to anybody except myself and family. Only because of my offense and no other factors I was placed on this list. My first and only criminal offense in my life has now handed me a lifetime babysitter. Being a RSO in Indiana is as bad as living in FL. I recently ran across an article, older but is like gold to me right as I’m just learning of some possible changes that can be made here. In short.. If my sentencing judge or court did not add at the time of sentencing that I be added to lifetime after completion of my prison and probation sentence, does the parole/probation board have the right to add me solely on my offense? The restrictions are exactly the same as probation!
Just a question.. I’ve contacted the ACLU and if this doesn’t change for myself and I’m sure hundreds of others, myself and my family have already planned to leave this prison of a state. Thank you for giving us a place to air our concerns and thoughts ACSOL.
For what ever reason , my CP case wasn’t granted reduction by a Santa Clara judge over a year ago. I had no issues after my conviction and probation was no problem. I filed 6 months after completion. Now it’s been almost 2 yrs since my release and I am filing again. The attorney says I need to show that I have “ progressed in my Rehab”. WTF!
I was originally released from therapy because they said I wasn’t considered a “threat for re offense”. I literally haven’t viewed ANY porn since. I have had a stable living arrangement (rent my own apartment) and work without interuptions in employment. I volunteer as for trail maintenance for county parks.
But this was the case when I last applied. I am at a loss as to what can prove I am “worthy of reduction”, as the attorney has phrased it.
I don’t attend church (agnostic) , I am not one to engage in community functions, so am I to accept that this my destiny? I can’t afford monetarily to continue filing every yr, or wait for this particular judge to croak so I can get a more logical one.
So I was reading “Osceola County conducts “Operation ‘Parking Lot Party'”” yesterday (
I was really, really angry. I had to drive to take care of some business. And I was realizing during that time, that I actually am a dangerous, unstable public safety threat. Very, very oddly it kind of felt like the first time that I had fully realized and understood that.
The Registries have made me dangerous. They literally are the 100% cause of it, without doubt. Registries are just incredibly idiotic social policy.
I have also become convinced that the criminal regimes must do a couple of things if they want to keep their Registries toy but stop the rampant damage to Amerika. Today, the Registries are anti-factual, anti-American, and immoral. These couple of things would do a lot to fix that. This is what the criminal regimes must do:
1. Create Registries for ALL crimes. No more BS and lies about just $EX. Until this is done the criminal regimes will continue to have zero credibility.
2. Remove every single requirement that any Registered Person has. Everything.
Regarding the second item, Registered People would not be required to give the criminal regimes anything or do anything. Everything would be 100% up to the criminal regimes. They love to constantly lie about how they are “monitoring” people. So let them actually do some work. Don’t they have to fake “verify” the information anyway? Let them collect and verify the information all at once. That would also remove the possibility that anyone could be arrested for any BS Registry “crime”. Because I’m certain that arresting people is a huge public safety problem.
If the criminal regimes could do those 2 things, I think I could write them off and forget about them. The war could end. If not, they’ll keep losing.
I do find it hilarious that these criminal regimes keep talking about “red flags” and such. They wouldn’t know a red flag if someone was beating them senseless with it. Besides, they love red flags and creating them, it gives them “reasons” for their jobs and lets them play their games.
I seem to be at odds with an attorney about my reduction.
He says that Misdemeanor CP would be a Tier 1 offense. I keep reading here that that isn’t the proper reading of the bill as if now. That all CP would be tier 3.
He also gives a pretty formatted statement about community volunteer work and professional license as a means to show “rehab” .
I am looking for those that recieved their refuction on this offense and their advice.
I am not a joiner. Never have been. And fail to see how dishing soup out or helping at a breast cancer walk shows any change in my actual persona. I am a person that made a stupid mistake. I have focused on my self improvement, not how some superficial, judgemental community sees me.
I think I made a mistake going with one of these REDUCTION SPECIALTY lawyers.
Please help
Interesting piece that will hopefully cause some discussion on the topic of SA on campuses and the lack of due process for those who are accused and those who are accusing being given more latitude. 5.9% false accusation rate is a higher rate than those could possibly re-offend from this community. Amazing.
I will also add to what is written in the piece that any non-military judicial system, minus Oregon, has a unanimous court verdict system where beyond reasonable doubt is the standard because Oregon is still under a non-unanimous verdict system (being challenged at SCOTUS this term) as is the DoD until wiser heads prevail there.
Some Feminists Admit Sex Tribunals at Colleges Have Gone Too Far, Hurting Some Unfairly Accused
LA County Probation is doing compliance checks today.
First one where they came in like swat, scared my new fiancé to death.
I’m not sure if it’s an onset of paranoia or not…. but has anyone else noticed the PK hasn’t posted in a long time?
I tried emailing him but haven’t heard back since about April.
I remember that he had to travel back to the US due to medical conditions even though he lives south of the border.
Getting a bit worried. Hopefully nothing bad happened.
Anyone seen this interesting post over at the NARSOL website? LEO encouraging the banishment of those impacted by the registry be banned from Is that legal? That is a real slam to those in Amerika! hangs out “Not welcome” sign to those on the registry
so some lame agreement was just made w the US and the UK on sharing DATA… one thing was child sex offenses etc…. looks like we will never go into the UK in the future…. who cares queen is lame !
Not sure why no one has a definite answer with how 1203.4 will play in the tiered eyes. By no one, i mean it is not anywhere in the bill that goes into effect in a few years….
While we can speculate, it is no clear anywhere
Citation, please?